targeted literary

San Francisco Book Review / Manhattan Book Review / The US Review / Kirkus
We will contact the relevant journalists and make sure that the book is reviewed by experts in the book’s fields.
What does this include?
A creative meeting with the digital manager and a discussion about building the book’s image.
Sending the book to our partners in one of the world’s leading book-reviewing websites.
Writing a review of the book which will appear on the San Francisco Book Review website.
Writing a review of the book which will appear on the Manhattan Book Review website.
Writing a review of the book which will appear on the US Review website.
Writing a review of the book which will appear on Kirkus website.
The review will be linked to the author’s page on Amazon.
What Will You Receive?
Close, professional, service given by an advisory team whose expertise is marketing books.
The process will be moderated by the digital media manager, an expert in design, branding and marketing.
The team working with you is headed by Netanel Semrik, who has led thousands of writers in the processes of publishing for 25 years – marketing content on the radio, prime time TV, printed media, book stores and digital media.
A personal service and ongoing reports including figures reflecting the program’s progress, organizing the results and presenting them clearly.